Supporting Survivors of Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation in St. Louis

Supporting Survivors of Sex Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation.

Our Mission

Healing Action partners with survivors and the community to end commercial sexual exploitation. We do this through community awareness, client advocacy, and a comprehensive array of services.

awareness by sharing advocacy for survivors healing action to thrive

St. Louis is ranked as the 16th top city for Human Trafficking in the United States. How You Can Help
400+ Clients Served

To date Healing Action has provided support to over 400 survivors and currently has a list of 90 active survivors receiving services.

Survivor Led

Since 2005, Katie has been raising awareness about commercial sexual exploitation through speaking about her own experience as a survivor, mentoring other survivors and consulting with agencies that support victims of violence.

Katie currently holds a Masters in Social Work from Washington University in Saint Louis, as well as a Bachelor in Social Work from Metropolitan State University.

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How We Heal Lives

Service Management is available to help insure that basic needs are met and set survivors up for success. Services are typically delivered one-on-one with survivors to assist with meeting basic needs (food, clothing, housing), substance use treatment, legal and medical needs, and providing support and transportation for appointments in the community.

Peer Support is the giving and receiving of support between people with a common experience. Services are centered around recovery, rebuilding, and relationships. Supportive groups and one-on-one coaching sessions are led by a Missouri Certified Peer Specialist that focus on specific topics each session and survivor-directed goal setting and monitoring.

Therapy at Healing Action is provided to support survivors through a process of growth and healing. Therapy is a long-term support and treatment option offered to help survivors understand and process their trauma. Trauma therapy utilizes trauma-focused treatment modalities to provide individual counseling, group counseling, and group psychoeducation. 

Basic needs assistance is provided by Healing Action to meet the immediate and crucial needs of survivors and to reduce barriers to recovery. Frequent basic needs include food, clothing, personal hygiene items, seasonal items, and more. Healing Action houses a boutique in our Drop-In Center where members can access many of these resources. We also provide transportation assistance in the form of monthly bus passes and gas cards for Healing Action members. 

Other Ways To Help
FB Fundraisers

Start a Facebook Fundraiser to raise funds and awareness for Healing Action.

Amazon Wishlist

As we continue to grow we are in continuous need of personal hygiene items for the survivors we serve.


Make an impact by becoming an informed member of our community.

Healing Action's Night Out
September 27, 2024

This marquee event will celebrate Healing Action’s progress in providing hope & healing to survivors of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Join us at Rose of The Hill for food, libations, and fun!

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