This marquee event will celebrate Healing Action’s progress in providing hope & healing to survivors of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation. Our Founder and Co-Executive Director, Katie Rhoades, will share our exciting and ambitious vision ahead. Learn more here.

Community fundraising is an excellent way for individuals to come together to support a cause that will impact countless lives. Learn more here.

As a member of Healing Actions Young Professionals, you will work on behalf of a cause that impacts the entire St. Louis area – creating a community free from exploitation. Learn more here.

At Healing Action, every month is a journey of transformation and restoration for survivors of trauma. Your monthly donation is more than just a contribution; it’s a lifeline, a beacon of hope, and a catalyst for change. Click here to make your first gift.

One of the many ways that a supporter may choose to express their commitment to our long-term sustainability is by naming Healing Action in your will or  trust. Learn more here.

We offer virtual and in-person volunteer opportunities for individuals who want to make an impact and support survivors. Learn more here.

Facebook’s Fundraisers are a great opportunity to raise funds and awareness for Healing Action. Learn more here. 

Help us meet survivors’ basic needs with items such as soap, shampoo, hand sanitizer, and other personal hygiene items. Donate items or host a donation drive and collect items for Healing Action! Learn more here.

Corporate Match

Many companies will match the gifts of their employees. Will your employer double your donation? Check if your company provides matching gifts by clicking here!


Sign up for our monthly newsletter! It features stories about member wins, new partnerships, events and highlighting new staff members. Sign up now!