Become an AmeriCorps VISTA Host Site

 Healing Action Network is seeking organizations interested in becoming AmeriCorps VISTA host site, For a full year, an AmeriCorps member will work full-time with your organization to build capacity and develop long-term solutions to address the needs of survivors of human trafficking.  

What would your organization do if you had more time?  What could you do better? What programs could expand? What new and exciting projects might you take on?   How could hosting an AmeriCorps member benefit you?

We are currently accepting applications for host sites. Please contact Kortney Hudzik at [email protected] with any questions.

Questions to consider

Why should an organization consider hosting an AmeriCorps VISTA member?

  • AmeriCorps members in the VISTA program are talented, civic-minded individuals passionate about using their skills to serve and lift others.
  • AmeriCorps members in the VISTA program are not just an extra pair of hands. Their work is meant to ensure the sustainability of host organizations’ programs long after they leave.
  • Each year, AmeriCorps members in the VISTA program more than double every dollar invested in them.
  • The VISTA program cultivates a new generation of compassionate, dedicated community leaders.
  • AmeriCorps members in the VISTA program can expand the capacity of your staff to develop programs, enhance client offerings, implement strategic plans, and ultimately improve the lives of those served.

Is the AmeriCorps VISTA program a good fit for your organization?

  • Is your organization a registered 501c or a government agency?
  • Does your work assist in providing services to survivors of human trafficking?
  • Are you committed to empowering communities and creating sustainable solutions?
  • Do you have a project/program you’ve been wanting to build but lack the capacity to get it off the ground?
  • Will the anticipated program increase opportunity for trafficked or exploited populations?
  • Can your organization provide the support necessary to make the VISTA’s service a good, productive, mutually beneficial experience?

What is expected of a host organization?

  • Direct the project and provide a supervisor for the AmeriCorps member(s)
  • Provide necessary administrative support to the AmeriCorps member(s) as needed (including space to work, computer, office supplies, travel reimbursement, etc) 
  • Submit $7,200 per year cost share to Healing Action Network for member support
  • Provide VISTA member with a $250 professional development stipend 

What activities are viable for an AmeriCorps member in the VISTA program?

What members CAN do:

  • Develop policies/procedures
  • Design trainings/curriculum
  • Plan events
  • Create outreach strategies
  • Conduct evaluation
  • Plan marketing campaigns
  • Research and write grants
  • Build information storage systems

What members CANNOT do:

  • Supervise staff or interns
  • Direct service to clients
  • Case management
  • Tasks unrelated to project
  • Replace other staff
  • Political Advocacy
  • Religious instruction or proselytization
  • Organize or engage in protests, petitions, boycotts, etc

Application Process

  1. Read through ‘Questions to Consider’ above.
  2. Preview the application questions to prepare
  3. Submit your application

Still have questions? Contact Kortney Hudzik at [email protected].